This blog is intended to cronicle the happenings in the lives of those currently living in 2103 Prince George's Hall.


Pig Roast Pictures

Here are some pictures from the pig roast that Mary sent me. Thanks! Wow the fire was bigger than I remembered.

This is right after we flipped it the second time. Looking good so far - we probably had another half-hour of cooking to go at this point.
Oops. I think we added a little too much charcoal.
Apparently grease fires burn at 2200 degrees F. Maybe that's why the welds on my grate failed. I think this picture is just after my dad poured his beer on the fire.
The Knights carving the slightly charred pig. Tasted fine as long as you didn't get the part that fell in the mud. Sorry, Deacon Woods!

I have bigger copies of these pictures and more. Eventually they will be posted on my computer . That means this link is broken whenever my computer is turned off, or not online, sorry.


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