This blog is intended to cronicle the happenings in the lives of those currently living in 2103 Prince George's Hall.


Yet another Catamaran Post

Don't imagine I have a one track mind, but I have spent a lot of time working on the boat over the break. Plus, I'm sure everyone is eager for news... "When will The Holy Sea launch?" "Can I have a ride?" "Are you planning to sail to the Carribbean and become full-time pirates?" All these questions are premature my friends... Right now the more important question is "Do we have enough epoxy to finish this project or are we going to have to spend another $150 on this money pit?" The plan now is to stain the wood cherry color and paint the papal seal on the side of one of the hulls. Suggestions for other tasteful decorations are welcome.


Sailboat Construction Update

Mike came up for a couple days last week to work on the boat, and Joey stopped by too. The side panels of the catamaran are almost half done. We had a little trouble bending the plywood to the curve we wanted without getting too many creases into it, but a steam gun helped and now it looks pretty good.

Only about another hundred hours of work, yeah, that's probably a conservative estimate.

Nice clamping action...