This blog is intended to cronicle the happenings in the lives of those currently living in 2103 Prince George's Hall.


I Like my Xylophone

Last Saturday, at the Catholic Student Center's annual Fall Ball, the new version of the now famous song "I Like my Xylophone", by Notorious Fr. B. had its debut. Pretty much everyone left the dance floor as soon as it started, and the DJ was looking a little befuddled, but I say it was a huge success!. Have a listen here.

Here's the backstory:
On every Catholic Student Center retreat, after mass on Saturday, we typically have a bonfire and sing songs. Often we play a game wherein two teams alternate turns, each singing part of a song that begins with a word starting with the same letter as the last word sung by the other team. The two teams were the guys led by Fr. Bill and the girls led by Michelle. Thinking strategically, Fr. Bill appointed a subcommittee to think ahead to song which includes words beginning with the letter "x". We knew the girls wouldn't be able to come up with a song starting with an "x" so we would be guaranteed a point. We came up with "I Like my Xylophone" which may or may not be an actual song. In any case, the melody was pretty catchy, and all the guys sang so it was somewhat convincing. We claimed our point and moved on. However, the girls kept complaining that we had "cheated." This was completely baseless, as they had no way of proving that there wasn't a song that went "I like my xylophone, I like my xylophone..." Basically they were sore losers. So to rub it in a little more and make sure our glorious victory was never forgotten, the guys of 2103 Prince Georges Hall decided to record a cover. We put about 12 hours of work into it, so you better like it. At one point, we had planned to add a guitar track, but we also had to get clothes, eat, and change before the dance, and time was running out. Maybe next time...

I Like my Xylophone
Notorious Fr. B.
Silent Retreat Greatest Hits
Copyright 2005. Pretty Good 2103 Records.

Lyrics: Notorious Fr. B, Tim Daniel, and Alan O'Connor
Xylophone: Alex Checkai and Noteworthy Composer
Keyboard: Alan O'Connor and Noteworthy Composer
Drums: Tim Daniel
Vocals: Tim Daniel, Mike Carroll, and Alan O'Connor