This blog is intended to cronicle the happenings in the lives of those currently living in 2103 Prince George's Hall.


Boat Status Update

So Mike and I worked some more on the boat today. I'm sure the lack of posting activity about our progress had you worried, but have no fear, all is well. I finished the rudders over the weekend, and I must say they look mighty fine! We started assembling the wood frame over which plywood will be wrapped today. If the weather cooperates, we should be able to finish that tomorrow. I'll put some pictures up just as soon as I can find the cord to my camera.
Still within the (adjusted) budget, but I haven't found a source for 1/8" Luaun sheet. If we have to use 1/4", which is available at Home Depot, we may be in for some trouble when we get to bending the plywood, and our weight limit may be hard to abide by.