This blog is intended to cronicle the happenings in the lives of those currently living in 2103 Prince George's Hall.


New frame

Okay, I gave into my materialistic and selfish desires and purchased a new bike frame. A decent description can be found at Mine is all read, no labels. Note the msrp is 1999, however I payed approximately 10% of that, as I did with my bike box. The purchase price also included a fork, which I intend to sell, increasing the effective discount. I'm hoping to build up a super light bike, something that's totally sweet and super light. This one doesn't have the aero looking tubes, so maybe I'll build my current bike into a time trial bike.

The special feature of this bike is that it's made of magnesium. This bike should be relatively light weight, but more durable than most due to it's thicker tube walls. However I hope to never test that hypothesis.

I fully intend to end up with a cyclocross bike, a road bike and a time trial bike. I'd also like to have a track bike, but who knows. In addition, I have this older bike which has a lot of sentimental value, and I don't really want to convert it into one of the above, though it might happen.

I've wasted a shameful amount of time looking for light weight stuff for my new frame for a shameful amount of time now. The realistic dream follows: purchase campagnolo shifters, a fsa mega exo carbon crankset, lighter handlebars, stem, and seat post from the ritchey order, if it ever happens again. To round out the set, I intend on building up some super light weight tubular wheels. Most of this may never happen though. If it does, it could be a pretty cool bike.


Impostor comments

So, we got a comment from a fellow claiming to be "god." however, an examination of the site records revealed that "god" logs in from Dayton Ohio, from the university of Dayton, which is a catholic school, lending some credibility to the reader's identity claim. However, I also have a cousin named David Johnson at the University of Dayton, and he maybe the prankster. This seems the better explanation. Equally good though is the possibility that a professor made the comment, for we all have experienced the ego of certain professors.

Now if you're not used to checking comments and don't know what I"m talking about, here's a link. Click it to see the comments from a fellow claiming to be God.

Comments can be left on each entry, just click below where it says "comments(x)," for those of you who don't do the blog scene often. The best stuff is always in the comments.


Nationals over

Okay, so I got back from Kansas with all kinds of goodies, largely because my parents live there. Here's a list:

1 awesome frame pump: I bought this on sale last summer, left it at home, rather missed it, but am glad to have it back

2 hats and water bottles given away by gatorade and specialized

3 tyvek general mills jacket my mother gave me, having sent in enough cereal box tops

4 2 new t shirts, one says collegiate championships on it.

5 socks, underwear, and nice high tech fabric shirts my mom had found on sale and saved for me. She also offered a nice wind breaker, but I let her know I had enough of such things

6 cheerio treats, chicken breasts, oatmeal cookies, and a few turkey sandwiches, all made by my mom.

7 two magazines from my swimming days which had some rather good smoothie recipe's which fueled me on the go in my formative years as an athlete.

Most of all I've come back with a new set of training priorities. I have a new list of books to read, including Dr. Bompa's books on periodization, which I already have from the library, sports psychology and a few chapters of a massage book which I also have from the library. I sat next to a really cool guy on the air plane who looked a lot like Chris Carmichael and gave me all sorts of good references and tips. He was sort of a Christian, but a bit shy about it. He nonetheless was quite insightful about matters of training and other things. He had done some training with a east german important fellow of some sort. After this nationals experience I think I might try triathalons. I even went on a short run today. Mind you this is all cross training for a big road cycling comeback.

The trip was awesome, I saw teams with mechanics, coaches, masseurs, and different riders for different events. I was rather jealous of all the supierior equipment. as a result I've begun planing my financial future as well such that I might enjoy some such luxuries, with any luck.

results, photos, and who knows what else can be found at and


So I went to the coffee bar at the student union today and had a big latte. It tasted like horse. I mean it tasted exactly the way a certain horse I know smells. (His name is Corcolen by the way) This however, did not prevent me from drinking the whole thing. The reason, you see, is that I am completely dependent on caffeine at the moment.
This happened last semester too, but after reading an article in National Geographic about caffeine that included some functional-MRI images of caffeine addicts and normal brains, I was motivated to go decaf over winter break. (Basically the pictures proved what I already knew, that when an addict hasn't had their fix, their brain function is quite a bit below normal levels.)
It didn't last long - just a couple of weeks into the spring semester, I was back on the stuff. I'm up to about 4 cups a day. I need that just to function normally. I can have two cups in a row and go right to sleep, no problem, so it's not really useful for staying up late the way it was earlier in the semester. So what are my long term plans? I guess I should try to cut down the intake. The real problem is I don't want to. And it would be hard. Oh man, I want a cup real bad, except I sort of have a headache. Oh, man, I going to go get some. I really shouldn't. I'll really stop after the semester ends. Or at least after the 1st of June. Yeah, that's reasonable. Okay. I'm okay.


Going to nationals

So I've gotten a bike box, plane tickets, a ride to the airport, and most of the legistics of traveling to nationals out of the way. I replace a wheel after a big crash last week and got myself a new chain. I even machined a special little frame protector in case something should go wrong. It basically keeps something from squashing the dropouts together while the wheel is out. Now I only need to finish my school work and pack up.

Sadly due to some unfortunate happenings on our team I was left off our rudy project order. No malice was involved, though I'm still quite disappointed.

Boy do I hate papers. I bet I'll be the only one there with a cool frame protector though.


Think you have what it takes?

Have you ever dreamed of joining the 2103 Prince George's Team? Well now you have a chance. One of the spots in the apartment has opened up and we are soliciting applications from those who would be interested in living here. No kidding, if you're interested or know someone who is looking for on campus housing, let me know because otherwise Res Life is going to give me some random roommate. Not that I afraid to meet new people or try new things, but you know, it could be real ugly.